How to Prepare Your Pet for Moving

The moving process certainly takes a toll on humans, so imagine how your pets must feel when their beloved toys and familiar space is packed up into a moving truck. As you run through your apartment moving checklist, it’s important to add reminders and “things to do” that will help Fido and Whiskers adjust to not only their new home, but relocation commotion. Here’s how to prepare your pet for moving with Forest Properties.

a small dog in a cardboard box

Pack a Pet Overnight Bag

Packing an overnight bag for your dog or cat may feel like you’re packing for a child! Prepare an easily-accessible overnight kit that includes the following items to sustain your pet and keep them comfortable during the first few days of unpacking:

  • Enough food for several days
  • Water and food bowls
  • A few days’ worth of medications
  • Favorite toys and bones
  • Leash, collar, and harness
  • Plastic baggies to pick up waste
  • Extra towels in case of an accident
  • Pet-friendly disinfectant spray or wipes
  • A pet first aid kit
  • Familiar items, like a blanket or pillow

pet food and water bowls

Introduce the Pet Carrier

Oh, the dreaded pet carrier. Some pets couldn’t care less, and others think the world is ending as soon as they see these plastic carriers emerge from the closet. No matter how near – or far – you’re moving, pets are safer in pet carriers (especially cats). 

If your cat or dog will be in a crate that they aren’t used to, put it somewhere they’ll see it everyday leading up to the move. Once they’ve adjusted to its presence, put their favorite toy or blanket inside, then praise them when they go in the carrier to retrieve it. This will help them see the crate as a safe place instead of a scary foreign box.

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Stick to a Routine

Many pets feel stressed when their daily routine is disrupted, so it helps to introduce early signs of the move gradually. If your pets are used to eating, playing, and going for walks at specific times of the day, do your best to stick to these times leading up to the move and on moving day. 

Since a big part of moving is adjusting to new environments, help your pets avoid the initial shock of “something is up” by starting to pack a few weeks in advance. This may help them adjust to changes in your current Wyndham Park apartment without feeling too overwhelmed by stacks of boxes and moving pieces of furniture (better known as their favorite napping spots).

Good to Know: If you need to leave town for a few hours to set up your new apartment, consider leaving your cat or dog with a sitter. Here’s a checklist we’ve put together to help your sitter get acclimated with your pet while you set up your new apartment!

a cat being pet by it's owner

Gather Necessary Documents

It’s time to get your pet’s records in order! You’ll need to set time aside before your move to figure out what kind of documents you need for traveling with them, what your Landing 53 apartment complex requires, medical records, and so on. If your pet is microchipped, make note to update their ID with your new address.

Contact Your Vet

Make an appointment to visit the vet a few weeks before your move so your pet gets a quick check-up. This is especially important if your move involves traveling for a few days at a time. Here are things to check off:

  • Obtain a health certificate, if necessary 
  • Ask about motion sickness prevention 
  • Refill any prescriptions 
  • Ensure vaccinations are up-to-date 
  • Ask for your pet’s medical records

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Familiarizing Pets with Your New Apartment

Before you let Lucky and Fluffy explore their new home on their own, take time to ensure your space is pet-friendly. Look for possible toxic outdoor plants, ask your property manager which neighbors have pets so you’re aware of fellow furry tenants, and make sure all doors fully close to avoid accidental escapes.

When unpacking, put your pet’s things, such as bowls, litter boxes, scratching posts, and beds, in areas that they’re used to. For example, if Fluffy’s litter box was in the bathroom, keep it in the bathroom in the new place. If Lucky is used to sleeping next to the couch, put his bed next to the couch in your spacious Ranch Lake apartment.

Have you moved from one apartment to another with a furry friend in tow? Share your pet-friendly moving tips with us on Facebook!

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